About Us
A 3 years long youth-led voluntary project that focused on children and youth’s education and arts in the ethnic minority community discovered alarming concerns for ethnic minority families of children with Special Education Needs (SEN): Rising number of SEN in the EM community, limited understanding and awareness on SEN, social stigma toward neurodiversity, and a lack of accessible resources in the public and private sector.
Taking a risk, the volunteers united to establish Kriti Children’s Centre For Learning and Development. The word ‘Kriti’ was chosen for its etymological roots in both Latin and Sanskrit which denotes the creation of something out of nothing. In 2022, Kriti was officially recognised as a charity and has since served more than 250 Nepalese families in Hong Kong. The charity currently caters to 40 children aged one and above where about 30% have been diagnosed with or are suspected of having SEN, including a network of 100 families of children with SEN.
一項為期三年、由青年主導、專注於少數族裔社群中兒童及青少年教育和藝術發展的義工計劃,發現了育有特殊教育需要(SEN)兒童的少數族裔家庭一些急需關注的問題。例如,少數族裔社群SEN兒童人數攀升、對SEN的認知和了解不足、社會對神經多樣性 (neurodiversity) 的歧視,以及育有SEN兒童的少數族裔家庭缺乏可通達的途徑從公私營界別獲取資源。於是,幾位義工毅然攜手成立Kriti Children’s Centre For Learning and Development (以下簡稱 「KCC」)。
Kriti 一詞源自拉丁文和梵文,意指從無到有的創造。2022年,「KCC」正式註冊成為慈善機構,至今已服務超過250個在香港的尼泊爾家庭。目前,中心服務40名一歲及以上兒童,其中約30%屬確診或疑似SEN,並設有由100個育有SEN兒童家庭組成的支援網絡。